These are my first glasses ever, acquired at age 43. OK, that's not exactly correct, I had a pair for close-up work, that I got when I was pregnant and my eyesight seemed to suddenly go bonkers. But those were just for occasional use, for needlepoint and such, and these new glasses are to wear most of the time. They're not very strong, but I'd been blessed with great eyesight and it has steadily degraded with age (ah! like so many things!) so that I found myself squinting most of the time. I was pretty excited to get these, to be able to see well again.
This is a good self-portrait of my camera, not so much of me. I can't get the hang of taking pictures of myself in the mirror. What was I looking at and why do I look so glum and serious?
i am blind as a bat. ever so jealous that you are just now acquiring them. those are darling glasses!
Posted by: heidi | Wednesday, 18 June 2008 at 09:25 AM
Nice glasses! You have been lucky. I was blind by the time I was in third grade. It's good to see.
Posted by: Papa Sydney/Grandma Judy | Thursday, 19 June 2008 at 12:23 PM
Hey there! I think you look great.
Posted by: africankelli | Friday, 11 July 2008 at 02:07 PM
Hello Gorgeous! Hope all is well after the mercury incident! Yikes! I too got my glasses at age 43. Bifocals. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I hate them, but I have definitely become dependent upon them. Pic wise, I do better if I hold the camera at arms length and snap or if I set it on a surface and use the timer. LOL, now it sounds like I spend all kinds of time taking my own picture! Sending you hugs!
Posted by: Bettsi | Friday, 25 July 2008 at 12:30 PM
There is a lot more to learn so why not learn from someone who has a proven system that works.
Posted by: hcg diet scottsdale | Sunday, 13 February 2011 at 11:55 PM