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Monday, 17 March 2008



sweet. sewing AND cake? i'm in!


Oh, it looks delicious! I love a plain yellow cake--with the extra flavor layer, of course. Just right for spring, too. Hope the sewing goes as well!


the cake sounds great!
I am always surprised by the crazy stuff that goes into vegan treats... and how GREAT they taste in the end. sometimes better than the non-vegan stuff. and you can easily sneak them onto unsuspecting plates and the tasters are none the wiser!


Wow, it sounds delicious! I look forward to hearing what the group thought of it. A sewing circle sounds like a wonderful thing to be a part of.


Wow, how fun!
Love to join you there, Amanda.
And Tofu cake? Phew!
Eat healthy and yum :D


Yum. Sewing. Cake. Friends. New Recipe. Sounds heavenly!

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