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Friday, 04 May 2007



All great reasons to have a party! Happy birthday in advance (we're leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning)--I'll check in as soon as we get back, and can't wait to hear all about the party, and see the great projects. Look at those carp stencils!


you must...i mean MUST post pics of those tees when they are done! can't wait to hear about the party, and happy birthday by the way!


hope you and max feel better soon - hope you have a nice birthday too tomorrow!


Well, Happy Birthday!! And, hope you and Max are both feeling better!

Hey, I think I may have fixed my website :) Yay, me! Thanks for the comment!! Let me know if it looks better :)


Happy Birthday Amanda!! Hope you are both feeling better and are celebrating sans tissues and medicine. I love the stencil t-shirt idea!

PS. Have you ever tried cutting the stencils with manicure or embroidery scissors? I'm terrible with an exacto and would definitely cut a finger off. I find that with the manicure scissors I can get into all the tight areas with much safer results.


I hope everyone is feeling better! I love the shirt stencil. Thank you for sharing it! Hugs!

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