I found this tidbit while surfing over here (by the way, this is a good site for creative inspiration). It cracked me up! Read the whole thing at The Morning News. The excerpt, by writer Kevin Guilfoile, that had me LOL:
"One of the things I’ve noticed is that being parents of a two-year-old is a lot like being the most powerful nation in the world trying to control an occupied foreign land. On the face of it, it seems like we have all the power and should be able to tame this child and mold him in our image. To dictate his constitution as it were. But there’s the language problem. And even when both of us are home, there aren’t enough boots on the ground. He gets most of his information from a kids’ version of Al Jazeera known as the Disney Channel. Plus, the little insurgent has learned very quickly that there are certain lines we just won’t cross and so he’s pretty much not afraid of us. He knows that he can scream longer and louder than the folks back home will tolerate. And he takes an unreasonable all-or-nothing stance when it comes to negotiations: If the insurgent wants a banana, a perfectly logical explanation for why he cannot have one, like “Those bananas aren’t ripe,” is insufficient. He sees bananas and demands that the corrupt interim government distribute them at once.
As for your question [what sort of mistakes have you made so far?], I think an admission of any mistakes would be unhelpful at the present time given the situation in-country."
Thanks for the comment at my blog. I have a two year old I know all about whats in that article. That photo was my nearly four year old helping me at the begining with my partner. By the end of it he( my son not my partner) was getting a little bit out of control. He loves the print he thinks he did it! He definetely helped print it.
Posted by: Jackie | Tuesday, 10 January 2006 at 09:02 PM
that bit cracked me up too (I read it before continuing your post)
Posted by: Carabeth | Tuesday, 10 January 2006 at 10:32 PM