We're leaving Sunday for vacation in Boston et al., so while I may post while I'm gone, I don't really expect that I'll be able to. I'm already getting nervous thinking about blog-withdrawal. I also have no idea about what to choose for a travel craft project. I have to have something, but lately I've been quilting and that's not very conducive to air travel. I may have to start something fast, or at least find the fixings for something that can be started on the plane. Oh, I know, I'll take my Navajo rug cross stitch that I've been working on for about 3 years now. (I think I'll need to find some knitting to throw in too.)
In other news, the new round of back-tack has been announced. Although they originally said that signups would start on 17 August, that's been changed and they're going on now. So go sign up if you want to play! First 100 people will be in.
And, I've been tagged by Myra for the 5 things meme. I'm afraid I don't have very interesting answers, but here they are:
5 albums on your iPod
Well, I don't have an iPod. Actually, I hardly listen to music anymore. Mostly NPR. How depressing is that? So instead I went out to my car to find out what was in the CD player. I pretty much don't listen to these either, but this is the closest I could come to answering this one. It's a 6-CD changer in the car, so I'm just putting down all 6.
1. Pete Seeger, Children's Concert at Town Hall
2. Grammar Rock
3. Big Idea's Jonah, a VeggieTales Movie soundtrack
4. Simon & Garfunkel, Bookends
5. Nellie McKay, Get Away from Me
6. The Sound of Music soundtrack
5 movies you've seen recently
(I'm going to include DVDs and kids movies I saw with Max here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come up with 5. But I won't include kids DVDs watched with Max, because then I'd have way too many.)
1. The Reduced Shakespeare Company's The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
2. March of the Penguins (twice)
3. Madagascar (twice)
4. A Mighty Wind
5. Cat in the Hat (the Mike Myers one, ugh)
5 nice things that happened to you lately
1. I got to have a really nice lunch with my hubby on Wednesday. Just us.
2. Except for this week, I've been getting to do a lot of crafting, which makes me happy.
3. I've been having nice "artist" lunches with my friend JoAnne, and we've had some really interesting, insightful, and useful conversations.
4. Max giving me a kiss on the cheek, patting my back, and asking "are you happy mommy?"
5. Lately I've been re-discovering our cats, all 4 of them. We used to pay so much attention to the kitties in the pre-Max days, but they've been ignored since he arrived. But they're actually really nice, sweet cats. I'm glad I'm paying more attention to them again.
I'd really like to add "going on vacation to visit both sets of grandparents" to this list, but right now I'm just too stressed about travelling.
5 MP3s on your playlist
MP3s? Playlist? Well, I know what they are, but I don't have a playlist. So instead, 5 magazines that I subscribe to:
1. Make (I told my hubby it's for him, but I get to look at it too)
2. Interweave Knits
3. Martha Stewart Kids
4. Fiber Arts
5. Fine Cooking
5 friends you're passing this to
Don't feel obliged!
Tina (if you're back from China)
and Tania
Thanks for playing, have a great trip!
Posted by: myra | Friday, 12 August 2005 at 01:54 PM
Have a great time in Boston. It's been so hot here! It will be nice to have you nearer.
Posted by: abbyjane | Friday, 12 August 2005 at 03:35 PM